Communicative Vietnamese – English
- You would like to get to know about the country, culture and people of Vietnam?
- You would like to cooperate in business with Vietnamese partners?
- You would like to conserve the Vietnamse language for the young generations born abroad?
- You would like to work and live with your family in Vietnam?
- Or you would simply like to communicate in Vietnamese while travelling in this beautiful and peaceful country?
With communicative Vietnamese courses designed in a simple but scientific manner, Branch No.3 of Ho Chi Minh City University of Education Foreign Language Center will meet all the aforementioned needs of yours.
Our ultimate objective is to help learners communicate naturally in Vietnamse at all means in order for them to be a member of the community. Therefore, we strongly and intendedly focus on the following aspects of language:
- Vocabulary
- Grammar
- The skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing
Our program is degisned for learners of two age groups: under 18 and 18 and above. The purpose is to help learners receive the Vietnamese language with the appropriate input, therby avoiding obscurity or boredom in learning.
The program for each age group is divided into 3 levels: Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced. Each level includes phases 1 and 2.
All 6 phases of the program follow familiar Vietnamese life topics:
- Family
- Getting to know people
- Time
- Weather
- School
- Community
- Traffic
- Shopping
- Clothing
- Food and drinks
- Health
- Sports
- Festivals
- Art
- Post and Telecommunication
- Tourism
- Environment
- Economy
- Society
- Integration
- Customs
- History
The coursebooks that we use were written by linguistics Professors-Doctors so as to ensure the scientific and effective characteristics of the lessons that learners will receive during the courses.
- Coursebooks for learners who are under 18 years old: Main coursebok:
Joyful Vietnamese (Vietnam Education Publishing House) – Chief Editor: Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Minh Thuyết, Faculty of Linguistics, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi National University, former Visiting Professor at Paris 7 University (France) and Laval University (Canada)
Supplementary coursebook:
Joyful Vietnamese – Workbook (Vietnam Education Publishing House) – Chief Editor: Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Minh Thuyết, Faculty of Linguistics, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi National University, former Visiting Professor at Paris 7 University (France) and Laval University (Canada)
- Coursebooks for learners who are 18 years old and above: Main coursebook:
Vietnamese Homeland (Vietnam Education Publishing House) – Chief Editor: Prof. Dr. Mai Ngọc Chừ, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi National University.
Supplementary coursebook:
Vietnamese Homeland – Workbook (Vietnam Education Publishing House) – Chief Editor: Prof. Dr. Mai Ngọc Chừ, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi National University.
The total classroom duration for each phase is 60 periods, lasting 10 weeks. Each week includes 2 sessions, each of which consists of 3 periods.
100% of the teachers are graduates from HCMC University of Education, having high academic degrees and academic ranks from renowned universities locally and internationally, and speaking fluent English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French, and Russian languages.
- Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday mornings: 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 m.
- Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday evenings: 18:00 p.m. – 19:30 m.
- 223 Nguyễn Tri Phương Street, Ward 9, District 5, HCMC
- In addition, we can send teachers to teach at learners’ residences, as long as there are sufficient learning
We put into effect the same tuition fees for learners of both age groups.
Levels | Tuition fee for learning at Branch No.3 (VND) | |
Elementary | 1 | 6.250.000 |
2 | 6.250.000 | |
Intermediate | 1 | 7.250.000 |
2 | 7.250.000 | |
Advanced | 1 | 8.250.000 |
2 | 8.250.000 |
베트남어로 소통하기
- 베트남 사람, 문화와나라에 대해서알고싶으세요?
- 베트남 파트너와 비즈니스를 하고 싶으세요?
- 해외에서 태어난 아이들한테 베트남어를 가르치고 싶으세요?
- 가족들과 베트남에서 살고 싶으세요?
- 아니면 여행할 때 이 아름답고 평화로운 나라에서 현지사람들과 어울리고 싶으세요?
그렇다면,교육대학교의 외국어 센터(지점3)에서 베트남어 말하기 기초학습과정에 만족하실 겁니다.
우리센터의최고 목적은 외국인이 베트남어를 배워서 베트남 현지 사회에서 일상생활하는데 어려움이 없도록 하는 것입니다.
따라서 우리 센터는 하기 사항에 최대 초점을 맞춰 교육하고 있습다.
- 단어
- 문법
- 듣기,말하기,읽기,쓰기
우리 센터는18세이하반과18세이상반의2개의 반(프로그램)을 운영합니다.
그리고 각 반에는 초급, 중급, 고급과정을 두고 있습니다.
각 과정은2 개의 학기로 나누어져 있습니다.
교육프로그램 내용(contents)
- 가족
- 인사하기
- 시간
- 날씨
- 학교
- 현지사회
- 교통
- 쇼핑
- 복장
- 음식
- 건강
- 스포츠
- 축제
- 예술
- Post and telecom
- 여행
- 환경
- 경제
- 사회
- 통합 (integrate)
- 관습
- 역사
- 18세이하반:
주 교재(교과서):
재미있는 베트남어(베트남 교육 출판사) – Author: PhD Nguyen Minh Thuyet
보조 교재:
재미있는 베트남어– work book (베트남 교육 출판사) – Author: PhD Nguyen Minh Thuyet
‐ 18세 이상반:
주 교재(교과서):
베트남 고향(베트남 교육 출판사) – Author: PhD Mai Ngoc Chu
보조 교재:
베트남 고향‐ workbook (베트남 교육 출판사) – Author: PhD Mai Ngoc Chu
각 학기는120시간(교시‐ 1교시는45분 수업)으로 짜여져있습니다.
- 주 당: 4시간(교시) X3일= 12시간(교시)
- 학기 당: 10주 X12시간(교시)= 120시간(교시)
강사는 모두 호치민교육대학교(Hochiminh City University of Education) 출신으로 구성되어 있고, 베트남과 해외 대학에서 수학해서 영어중,국어,한국어, 일본어,불어와 영어에 능숙합니다.
‐ 월,수,금or 화,목,토: 8:00am – 11:15am
‐ 월,수,금or 화,목,토: 17:45pm – 21:00pm
- 223 Nguyen Tri Phuong – Ward 9 – District 5 – Hochiminh City
- 우리 센터는 강사를 교육생이 원하는 장소로 출장강의도 가능합니다.
학비 (학기 당‐10 주)
학비는18세이하반과18세이상반 공히 다음과 같습니다.
Level | 학비(VND) | ||
1 | 9.000.000 | ||
2 | 9.000.000 | ||
중급 |
1 | 11.000.000 | |
2 | 11.000.000 | ||
고급 |
1 | 13.000.000 | |
2 | 13.-000.000 |
- ベトナム国・ベトナム人又はベトナム文化を学びたい?
- ベトナム人との貿易取引を行いたい?
- 海外で生まれた子供たちの母語を守りたい?
- 家族とベトナムでの生活を過ごしたい?
- あるいは美しくて安らかなベトナムという国へ旅行するときにベトナム語が話せるようにしたい?
- ホーチミン市師範大学の外語センター( ブランチ3) での簡単で科学的なベトナム語コミュニケーションは皆さんの要求に応じたものです。
- 語彙
- 文法
- 「 読む・ 書く ・ 聞く ・ 話す」 の4技能
18歳以下の方及び18歳以上の方を分けてそれぞれの対象に向けたコースがあります。学習者の年齢に合うまたは分かりやす い内容を伝えることにより学習者は楽しく学ぶことができます。
- 家族
- 挨拶
- 時間
- 天気
- 学校
- 公衆
- 交通
- 買物
- 衣服
- 食事
- 健康
- スポーツ
- お祭り
- 芸術
- 郵政
- 旅行
- 環境
- 経済
- 社会
- インテグレーション
- 風習
- 歴史
学習者が各レッスンの内容を効果的に習得できるように使用する教材は言語学 教師・博士が編集したものです。
‐ 18歳以下の方へ向けた教材
教材: 「 Tiếng Việt Vui」 ( ベトナム教育出版社)
エディター: グエン・ ミン・ トゥエット( 昔: フランスのパリ 7 大学、カナダのらバル大学での教師
、現: ベトナム国家大学ハノイ校・ ホーチミン市社会科学人文大学の言語学科の博士)
補助教材: 「 Tiếng Việt Vui」 のワークブック( ベトナム教育出版社)
エディター: グエン・ ミン・ トゥエット( 昔: フランスのパリ 7 大学、カナ
ダのらバル大学での教師、現: ベトナム国家大学ハノイ校・ ホーチミン市社会科学人文大学の言語学科の博士)
‐ 18才以上の方へ向けた教材
教材: 「 Quê Việt」 ( ベトナム教育出版社)
エディター: マイ・ゴック・ツー( ベトナム国家大学ハノイ校・ ホーチミン市社会科学人文大学の東洋学部の博士)
補助教材: 「 Quê Việt」 のワークブック( ベトナム教育出版社)
エディター: マイ・ゴック・ツー( ベトナム国家大学ハノイ校・ ホーチミン市社会科学人文大学の東洋学部の博士)
- 午前: 8:00~11:15 ( 月・水・金 又は 火・木・土)
- 午後: 17:45~21:00 ( 月・水・金 又は 火・木・土)
コース学費( 10週間)
レベル |
当校で( VND) |
自宅で( VND) |
初級 |
1 | 9.000.000 | 21.600.000 |
2 | 9.000.000 | 21.600.000 | |
中級 |
1 | 11.000.000 | 25.600.000 |
2 | 11.000.000 | 25.600.000 | |
上級 |
1 | 13.000.000 | 29.600.000 |
2 | 13.000.000 | 29.600.000 |